tornado cash obfuscates movement of ETH from one wallet to another, but because it does not support DeFi applications, what happens to the funds after they leave tornado cash is once again transparent.
> what constitutes support for DeFi apps? Genuinely curious.
tornado lets you deposit ETH, and gives you a code. You later use that code to redeem with another account. In this context, I suppose support for Defi apps would be a similar system for other tokens, with the ability to swap your ETH redeem code for a code of similar value in another token. having lots of different tokens requires many more transactions for obfuscation to still work, though.
> isn't this also true for Ren, Secret Network, Dune Network, Findora, and Aleo?
I'm not familiar with their approach. If they work similarly, then yes. If any of those use zkRollups, then no.
Why not just use Monero? is moving in on this part crypto as well
how does tornado cash fit into all of this?
tornado cash obfuscates movement of ETH from one wallet to another, but because it does not support DeFi applications, what happens to the funds after they leave tornado cash is once again transparent.
nice thank you for the reply - what constitutes support for DeFi apps? Genuinely curious.
> what happens to the funds after they leave tornado cash is once again transparent.
isn't this also true for Ren, Secret Network, Dune Network, Findora, and Aleo?
> what constitutes support for DeFi apps? Genuinely curious.
tornado lets you deposit ETH, and gives you a code. You later use that code to redeem with another account. In this context, I suppose support for Defi apps would be a similar system for other tokens, with the ability to swap your ETH redeem code for a code of similar value in another token. having lots of different tokens requires many more transactions for obfuscation to still work, though.
> isn't this also true for Ren, Secret Network, Dune Network, Findora, and Aleo?
I'm not familiar with their approach. If they work similarly, then yes. If any of those use zkRollups, then no.