NFT Collectors Snatch Up “Rug Pull” Art for $65k
With 1 BTC hidden inside. Also, Bancor's liquidity mining program, Argent adds yVaults, MEW adds RenVM
Hello Defiers! here’s what’s going on,
12 non-fungible tokens were sold for $65k in an auction yesterday (for perspective, the average NFT is going for ~$100 according to, and the record for a single NFT sale was ~$140K).
But there’s more to this collection than cool digital crypto art: There’s 1 BTC hidden in one of the pieces. Nobody, not even the owners, knows which one. Hence the name of the collection; The Rug Pull. Owners now have the option of opening their piece and either rug pulling others or, most likely, rug pulling themselves.
Bancor users are adding tokens to liquidity mining program as the project’s TVL surges
Argent wallet adds Yearn Finance vaults
MEW users can now exchange BTC to RenBTC in the mobile app
👩💻 Also, a reminder that Harmony’s Hack the Horizon hackathon is live until Jan 17. There is $50,000 in Harmony’s ONE tokens for developers building on Horizon, a bi-directional bridge that connects Ethereum and Harmony. The first prize also includes an annual subscription to The Defiant!
The open economy is taking over the old one. Subscribe to keep up with this revolution. Click here to pay with DAI (for $100/yr) or sub with fiat by clicking on the button below ($10/mo, $100/yr).
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The Rug Pull Auction Completes for $65k
If you follow the Defiant YouTube channel you’ll probably have spotted me doing some very unusual experiments around NFT ownership and digital art. It’s over an hour’s worth of content across the two videos but the TLDR is this —I had an itch to scratch, my best friend Simon Wan is a fantastic IRL artist and we decided it was time to put our own stamp on the digital art space.
We had two questions we wanted to address: firstly, the experience of owning an NFT is no different from simply viewing the jpeg/gif version; secondly, once you own an NFT the juice kind of goes away, how can you keep the experience of owning it alive and exciting? We also wanted to frame a question around NFT art and whether it’s all just bs. Do people really care about the ‘art’ or is it just another crypto game? Could we design a piece that would pose that question and, crucially, would anyone go for it?
The Rug Pull
And that is how we came up with the Rug Pull - inspired by the defining meme of the DeFi summer - just yesterday a fake Deriswap token pulled off yet another rug so it’s still very much with us.
There are 12 NFTs - identical in every single way EXCEPT one of them contains a bitcoin. The owner of the NFT can ‘break open’ their piece and discover whether theirs is the owner of the BTC. At all times the status of the NFTs (opened/not opened) is displayed publicly on a website. So, the moment the owner knows, the whole world knows.
Game Theory Maze
If the owner is indeed the lucky new owner of a bitcoin all the other NFTs are instantly revealed NOT to have it and the piece takes on its final form. By opening the NFT the owner can in theory rug all the other owners but they’re more likely to rug themselves. If Bitcoin is worth $5k maybe it’s not that tempting. But what if it’s $30k? Or $50k? Or $100k? An opened NFT with no BTC is without a doubt going to be worth a lot less than the unopened ones which should gain in value as they become rarer.
It’s a carefully balanced game theory maze designed to steer owners towards the outcome that represents the best interests of the whole group. And the best outcome is for nobody to open the NFTs. Even though the Bitcoin is highly desirable it is more desirable for it to remain undiscovered. And this forces the attention onto the artist and the art itself. So we are constantly evaluating and re-evaluating the art component of the piece as the price of Bitcoin fluctuates. This mirrors the way the whole market is a slave to Bitcoin’s price movements.

There’s another component here which is that we can consider each owner as a node in a network. The nodes need to achieve consensus in order to realize the best outcome. But there can always be malicious actors. NFTs can be freely traded and who’s to say that a new owner will be as fair-minded as the previous one. For an owner the best way to ensure you don’t get rugged is to own all the NFTs which creates interesting secondary-market dynamics as the pieces change hands.
Bomb Under the Table
As I was designing the piece I kept returning to Hitchcock’s theory of the bomb under the table. The idea that tension is built by knowing that something ‘might’ happen, that the bomb might go off. So this sense that any moment one of the other owners could decide to open their NFT and be successful rendering yours suddenly worth a great deal less. An owner bent on acquiring all of them takes on successively greater risk as they near their goal.
Memecoin Platform
The auction took place yesterday on the Memecoin platform. I was fortunate to encounter Jordan Lyall when making the Meme video a few months back and when I came up with this idea he was the first person I pitched it to. At the time Bitcoin was $11k. By the time we hit the auction it was over $19k so the whole piece had appreciated by eight thousand dollars before it had even been sold!
Along with ET and Farmer from the Meme team we designed a mechanic that would allow us to seed the winner of the Bitcoin without us ever knowing who it was. Unfortunately, the specifics of that will need to remain secret because the team don’t want to expose the project to any risk, however small, of being hacked. But it’s ingenious and, as far as we know, never been done before.
$65k Collection
The BTC embedded in the collection came from me and was partly funded by the coins that were stolen from my ETH wallet in the now infamous Rug Pull episode of the Defiant. When it came to the auction itself we were already above 1BTC in bids after six hours so I could breathe a sigh of relief and wait for the final action. We had added one final kicker to the auction which was that the top bidder would receive the physical art created by Simon Wan.
The auction was extended by over an hour as the top two bidders slugged it out for the art but in the end the top bid was 35.01 MEME ($7,422). The whole collection went for 307.13 MEME ($65,122).
Smaller Players
There was one final piece to the puzzle though. I had brought together a group of complete unknowns through my mini transmedia story experiment and the final test was to see if this group could self-organize to bid for one of the NFTs as a group, with the goal of fractionalising the piece and making it possible for smaller players to still take part. In the end that group successfully acquired #77 and in so doing became a voice to advocate for the ‘art’ of the collection.
At some point in the future the price of Bitcoin will inevitably place so much pressure on at least some of the owners that they will want to pass it on or look inside. It would be nice to believe that art is enough but our experience in blockchain has shown that this is probably rose-tinted optimism. Our goal with this is to mitigate that by foregrounding the art and incentivizing the owners to become genuine patrons.
Fear and Trepidation
To date nobody has opened any of the NFTs. The overriding sentiment is fear. The owners are scared: “I’m worried I’m going to open it by mistake but I also know some of these other owners and one of them is just a straight-up gambler!” one of them said.
And that was entirely the point, there’s a bomb under the table, they are feeling an emotion connected to this art - it’s fear and trepidation and that’s exactly what we wanted them to feel, it’s what we promised. Job done. And yes, we’re already planning the next one.
Bancor’s BNT Holders Add New Tokens to Rewards Program
Bancor users are voting to add two new tokens to the initial eight liquidity pools eligible to receive BNT rewards. LPs who stake in qualifying pools earn BNT rewards retroactively when liquidity mining eventually goes live in the coming weeks. Tokens being voted on include YFI, AAVE, REN, CRV, SNX, KNC and MKR.
The 6 tokens with the most votes in an initial poll on Discord move to on-chain voting. Two new tokens will be voted into the BNT liquidity mining program every two weeks. Tokens added to the program receive between 10k–20k BNT per week for 12 consecutive weeks. 70% of weekly BNT rewards are distributed to the BNT side of the pool, while 30% are distributed to the ERC20 token side.
Assets in Bancor are soaring since the start of the project’s liquidity mining program:
Argent Adds Yearn Finance Vaults
Users of the Ethereum wallet Argent will now be able to access Yearn Finance’s popular product yVault. yVaults automate yield farming strategies, where users earn cryptocurrency tokens in addition to lending interest. Argent supports the following yVaults at launch: WETH, USDC, TUSD, DAI, USDT, YFI, GUSD, LINK, aLINK, and 5 pools (Y, BUSD, SBTC, 3POOL, and Compound).
My Ether Wallet Integrates RenVM
MyEtherWallet has integrated RenVM via RenJS. MEW users can convert their BTC and receive renBTC, which can then be used on Ethereum, via the MEW mobile app.
Great data-driven thread on why ETH is in a bull market by Spencer Noon
The Defiant is a daily newsletter focusing on decentralized finance, a new financial system that’s being built on top of open blockchains. The space is evolving at breakneck speed and revolutionizing tech and money. Sign up to learn more and keep up on the latest, most interesting developments. Subscribers get full access, while free signups get only part of the content. Click here to pay with DAI (for $100/yr) or sub with fiat by clicking on the button below ($10/mo, $100/yr).
About the founder and editor: Camila Russo is the author of The Infinite Machine, the first book on the history of Ethereum, and was previously a Bloomberg News markets reporter based in New York, Madrid and Buenos Aires. She has extensively covered crypto and finance, and now is diving into DeFi, the intersection of the two.
The past few months had been a disaster to me in the crypto space, I had invested in so many crypto projects but non of this yield any profit, there were so many lost on my portfolio, I had to keep all my money in a stable coins to avoid more loss. Fear, Uncertainty and doubt made me almost quit crypto currency but I was still keeping calm hoping the Market would bounce back but it hasn’t. Just last week I heard of this great miner with almost decade of experience in the Mining space, how he had helped them make money with little funds, I was skeptical at first cut I wouldn’t want to fall for any cheap scum artist. I sent a message to minerrobbertt @ g mailcom. He explained to me the process and I gave him a try. Less than a week I got my return on investment, I never knew I could make so huge profit in a short period of time. My portfolio increased more than 200% this is incredible. Thank you Robert!
I saved my coins on this fake exchanger platform. I trusted them with my coins, thinking it would be safe with them but it wasn’t. I woke up one day and found out all my bitcoin had been transferred out. I never gave permission for this, I never gave my recovery phrase for this and I never gave any passwords for this. I contacted them and they did nothing to help. They refused to give me an explanation of what happened and why. It took a long time before I could be able to hold them responsible for what they did. It is a pattern of theirs to lure you in to trust their platform with you thinking your coins are safe with their exchanger, they deny you all these. Thanks for the support of minerrobbertt @ g mailcom I sent email and text on telegram (+1 681-222-0138) who took matter into their hands to help adjudicate and resolve the matter, I got back my funds and they got blacklisted as far as I am concerned. I advise you to do same